Privacy policy for Father for Life

Collection and processing of personal data

1. Introduction

1.1 Father for Life is the data controller responsible for processing the personal data you provide when you create an event or sign up for our newsletter.
Father for Life is no longer a data controller as soon as you leave the site, even if you do so via links on the Father for Life site. In that case, third-party GDPR rules apply from the new site.

1.2 When you register as an event organiser or sign up for the newsletter, we collect and process personal data about you. This privacy policy describes the purposes for which we process your personal data, who receives your personal data, and your rights.

2. Personal data

2.1 Personal data is any information that can be used to identify you, including, but not limited to, first name, last name, age, gender, address, email address or other contact information.

3. Purpose and basis for processing

3.1 We process your personal data in order to facilitate contact between event organisers and participants.

3.2 If you are a provider, we will publicly show the contact information you have provided to us to enable participants to contact you, including name, email address and possibly a phone number, together with information about the organisation or municipality you are affiliated with.

3.3 Our basis for processing your personal data is the consent you give by registering as an organiser of activities with Father for Life. Your consent is the basis for processing in accordance with section 6 of the Personal Data Act (from 25 May 2018 Section 6(1) of the Data Protection Act (Act on supplementary provisions to the Regulation on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data)). You can withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time. Withdrawal of consent is only effective for the future, and if there is no alternative treatment basis, the withdrawal may mean that Father for Life will not be able to facilitate contact between you as organiser and potential participants and will therefore be forced to remove the activity from the website.

4. Recipients of personal data

4.1 If you are an organiser, your name and the contact details you have provided will be published on the website so that potential participants can contact you.

5. Storage period

5.1 We process your personal data for as long as necessary to process it for the purposes we have described in section 3, after which it is deleted. This means that when the activity period has ended, the data is also deleted.

6. Your rights

6.1 You have the right to know at any time what personal data we process about you, where it comes from and what we use it for. You can also find out how long we store your personal data and who receives personal data about you to the extent that we disclose personal data in Denmark and abroad.

6.2 If you request it, we can inform you about what personal data we process about you. However, access may be restricted to protect the privacy of other persons, trade secrets and intellectual property rights.

6.3 You can exercise your rights by contacting us. You can find our contact details in section 9.

6.4 If you believe that the personal data we process about you is inaccurate, you have the right to have it corrected. You must contact us and inform us of the nature of the inaccuracies and how they can be corrected.

6.5 In some cases, we will have an obligation to delete your personal data. This applies, for example, if you withdraw your consent. If you believe that your personal data is no longer necessary for the purpose for which we collected it, you can ask to have it deleted. You can also contact us if you believe that your personal data is being processed in violation of the law or other legal obligations.

6.6 When you contact us with a request to correct or delete your personal data, we will investigate whether the conditions are met and, if so, make the changes or deletion as soon as possible.

6.7 You have the right to object to our processing of your personal data. You can use the contact details in section 9 to send an objection. If your objection is justified, we will take action to cease processing your personal data.

6.8 In some cases, you will have the right to obtain a restriction of our processing of your personal data. You can exercise this right by contacting us. You can find our contact details in section 9.

6.9 If you believe that we have processed your personal data in violation of the law, you have the right to file a complaint with the Danish Data Protection Agency.
Data Protection Authority
Borgergade 28 5.
1300 Copenhagen K, Denmark
Tel. +45 33193218

7. Changes to the privacy policy

7.1 We may change our privacy policy from time to time, but you can always access an updated version of our Privacy Policy at

8. Contact details

Father for life at Forum for Men’s Health
Vesterbrogade 74, 3.
1620 Copenhagen V
CVR: 32910300
Phone number: +45 24877118

Privacy policy updated 29 January 2018.